Frequently Asked Questions
Everyone has questions about investing and investments. We can help answer your questions.
or call 510.653.8968
OUR Team Has the Answers
Unless you have the knowledge, time and discipline it takes to actively manage your account,
then you need a Financial Advisor.
Financial Advisors are licensed and educated in financial planning, and investment strategies,
to help map out your financial roadmap to ultimately get you to your desired destination. When
the market is volatile, your Financial Advisor is there to steady the course.
As a niche firm we can offer personalized service and financial advice tailored especially for
you. Our philosophy is to listen first, ask questions and then build a plan and portfolio built
specifically for you, one that will allow you to realize your goals, dreams and financial
Our firm has Advisors available for every level of investor. Unlike many firms we truly welcome
anyone who is serious about building their financial future.
Simply pick up the phone and call.
ITFS is not a commission-based firm, we are a fee-based firm. We charge fees based on assets
under management. How much we are paid is directly tied to the performance of your account, and
not how many times we buy or sell an investment. This strategy always keeps the focus on
you, the client, and your objectives.
Investment Resources you can use to stay aware and informed of today’s markets

Investment Services
A wide variety of financial planning, insurance, budget and analysis to keep your investments on pace with your goals.
Our team has the critical experience needed to assist managing and advising our client portfolios.